If Kevin Rudd is genuine about having marriage equality achieved he will need to work across the Parliament. All parties from across the political spectrum will have to work together to achieve marriage equality, the Australian Greens have said.
"The Greens have led the way on marriage equality and have long been ready and willing to work with all parties to achieve it," the Greens' LGBTI spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"Australians are ready for marriage equality and all of the political parties owe it to them to work together on this issue.
"The Greens plan for a bill to be cosponsored by members of all three parties is the only way to overcome the political impasse and actually achieve equality.
"Tony Abbott must allow Coalition members a conscience vote and Kevin Rudd must lead the Labor Party to actually supporting equality.
“We welcome Kevin Rudd’s personal support, but both the Labor and Liberal parties need to adopt marriage equality as a genuine policy and show that they’re fair-dinkum about achieving it.
"Cupids arrow doesn't discriminate and I'm looking forward to a time when the Australian legal system won't either.
"The Greens are up for working together to end discrimination and, if there is a genuine will, it can be acheived."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760