The Australian Greens today announced their post-election plan for Australia to finally achieve marriage equality.
“I'm calling for a new bill, jointly sponsored by Labor, the Liberals and the Greens,” said the Greens’ marriage equality and human rights spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young today.
"The bill should be introduced to the new Parliament by November and voted on by Valentine's Day 2014.
“The nation is more than ready for marriage equality but the way is blocked by a political log-jam of the old parties’ making.
“I’m as keen as ever to collaborate with MPs from any side of politics to get this popular reform through the federal parliament so that all Australians can marry the person they love.
“I’m calling on both leaders to show their colours and make it clear to the voting public whether they are committed to marriage equality in the new Parliament.
“Prime Minister Rudd should commit to immediate action on marriage equality and Tony Abbott should commit to a conscience vote as per liberal tradition on these sorts of issues.
“I’ve repeatedly called for the parties to work together on this, just like New Zealand’s political leaders successfully did, and the Greens will keep our door wide open in the new Parliament.
“Let’s not see the old parties dither any more but instead work with the Greens to add Australia to the growing list of countries with proud marriage equality laws.
“The Greens’ are standing up for marriage equality with an iron-clad commitment to seeing it achieved as soon as possible in the new Parliament.”.
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760